In our Social Justice Outreach we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. We journey together when attending Sunday Masses and when parish ministries persevere in carrying out activities despite COVID-19 hindrance. The Knights of Columbus continue with the Food Drive for those hard hit during this pandemic, and the Men's Group has grown into a community of parishioners Walking with the Word...
Join us each Friday during Lent for a Zoom presentation. Each night begins at 7:00 p.m. with a presentation followed by opportunities for dialogue and sharing. Our theme this year is: “Open Wide Your Hearts – The Enduring Call to Love” Our goal is to help participants identify ways to: ➢ recognize that each one of us is a beloved child of God with unique gifts and talents ➢ genuinely welcome those who are different from ourselves ➢ move towards a new vision of what our community could be ➢ actively listen and respond to the challenges Jesus presents us each day
St. John the Baptist Parish will participate in the Synod by hosting a Listening Session to reflect on our faith experience in the light of the Synod’s theme of Communion, Participation, and Mission. We will begin with prayer and allow time for sharing in small groups, and in the large group, as we listen to the Spirit together. Our parish session will be held on Sunday, February 20, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. beginning in the Church then in the School. If you wish to participate, please be at the Church by 2 p.m. Sunday, February 20. Thank you for your participation.