I am writing to inform you that we are planning to begin offering public Masses here at Saint John the Baptist as soon as the Montgomery County restrictions are lifted. Our parish staff and volunteers have been working very hard to establish a plan that does everything we reasonably can to make this a safe reopening for those who are able to attend.
The seriousness of this pandemic dictates that we follow the guidelines and safety measures given by State and Local authorities, health officials, and the Archdiocese of Washington. Therefore, please understand that the logistics and schedule required to offer public Masses and liturgies under these guidelines will be very different from the last time you attended Mass. Please read the following carefully to facilitate a smooth reopening.
Mass Obligation Dispensed The dispensation from the Sunday and Holy Day obligation remains in effect and you may have to make the difficult decision to remain at home even as we offer public Masses. This would include those with COVID-19 or exposed to it, as well as those with upper respiratory or flu like symptoms or underlying medical conditions, the sick, the elderly, those who are living with or in the presence of any individual at risk, or those that still do not feel comfortable being in a public setting. When in doubt, out of charity for others, please stay home.
Weekday Masses As soon as the restrictions are lifted for Montgomery County the weekday Masses will be offered in the church Monday to Friday at 7:30 a.m. & 9:00 a.m., and Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
Weekend Mass Schedule The weekend Mass schedule will be as follows:
Saturday at 4:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. in the church
Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. in the church
There will be no evening Mass on Sundays for the time being.
Both the Weekday Mass at 9:00 a.m. and the Sunday Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the church will be live-streamed on our
St. John the Baptist Facebook Page.
Confessions Confessions will be heard on Saturdays from 3:00-3:45 p.m. where social distancing can be maintained, or by appointment. Please call the Parish Office to schedule (301-622-1122).
Face Masks Requirements You are required to wear face masks for the entirety of Mass. If you choose to wear protective gloves, they must be removed prior to receiving Communion on the hand. We will also ask everyone to use hand sanitizer prior to entering the church, so please bring some with you.
Liturgical Ministers Only the priests, deacon, lector/ reader will be in the sanctuary and serving during Mass. No altar servers will be serving Mass at this time.
Hymnals All Hymnals have been removed. Sunday Readings can be found at www.usccb.org. You may use your electronic device to access Sunday Readings during Mass. Keeping in mind the overall health and safety of our parishioners, at the present time we are foregoing music/ singing to mitigate any risk associated with sung responses.
Seating Given the new occupancy restrictions, we are only able to accommodate 105 parishioners per Mass. We may reevaluate how many Masses we can offer based on response.
When arriving at church, please keep socially distanced from other households as you enter by center, wrought iron doors at the main entrance of the church. Please allow extra time to be seated and
please understand that attendees will not choose where they sit. Everyone will be seated by Ushers as they arrive, from the front of the church to the back. Members of the same household may sit together.
Ushers will start seating 15 minutes before Mass begins. Please maintain social distancing as you make your way to the front entrance doors and please do not congregate by the entrance before or after Masses.
Once 105 individuals have entered the church no one else will be admitted until the next Mass.
Communion All Catholics present who are in a state of grace are invited to receive Communion.
Those who have health concerns and do not wish to receive sacramental Communion may make an Act of Spiritual Communion. *
When you approach for Communion, please remain six feet from others in the line and from the minister. \Vhen it is your time to receive, keep your mask on and remain six feet away from the minister while he shows the Host and says, "The Body of Christ." After, you respond, "Amen," then approach the minister.
Place one hand under the other while keeping your fingers together, making "a throne for the King," as St. Cyril of Jerusalem said. Receive the Host in your hand, then step six feet away from the minister. Then carefully loosen your facial covering ( or mask by an ear loop), consume the Host, and replace the facial covering. If the minister accidentally touches anyone's hand, he will immediately disinfect his own hands.
Those who wish to receive Communion on the tongue are asked to forego this preference. Although each person retains the right to receive on the tongue, the Centers for Disease Control have recommended against it; but more importantly, out of love for our brothers and sisters, and out of kind concern for the vulnerable and our sacred ministers, those who normally receive on the tongue are respectfully asked to consider receiving in the hand as a temporary measure. It is a legitimate practice attested to in our Catholic Tradition since the ancient Church.
Rest Rooms Ideally everyone should have gone to the restroom before coming to Mass but, if necessary, one person at a time, or one parent with a child, may use the restrooms available in the church.
Collection Collection baskets will not be passed but will be available for contributions as you exit by the two wooden doors on either side of the front entrances. Online Giving via
Faith Direct is another option available (www.faithdirect.net). St. John's code is MD300.
Dismissal At the conclusion of Mass, the ushers will dismiss rows beginning from the BACK to the front of the church. As you go to your car, please keep socially distanced from other households. After the dismissal of the last pew, we will be sanitizing all the pews and seating areas, common area surfaces and restroom common
surface areas.
Please be patient with us in implementing this plan and understand that we will make any changes deemed necessary to assure the safety of those attending, while also recognizing the importance of making the
sacraments available.
May the peace of the Risen Christ be with you!
In Christ,
Rev. Y. David Brault
* An Act of Spiritual Communion
by St. Alphonsus Liguori
My Jesus,
I believe that you are present
in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things,
and I desire to receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
and unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you.